Friday, August 6, 2010

Conditional Statements <c:if > , <c:choose > , <c:when > , <c:otherwise > in JSTL for a JSP Page

Any non-JSP code in a JSP file is called template text and is
automatically written to the output stream. The JSTL tags <c:if> and <c:choose> make it possible to dynamically generate template text depending on a condition.

<c:if >
The <c:if> tag generates its body if the expression in the test attribute evaluates to the boolean value true or the string value"true">:

<%-- Declare the core library --%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

<%-- Simple if conditions --%>
<c:if test='${param.p == "someValue"}'>
    Generate this template text if p equals someValue

<c:if test='${param.p}'>

    Generate this template text if p equals "true"

<c:choose > , <c:when > and, <c:otherwise >
This tags are used to write code in the form of if/else , if / elseif / else ...
Check the bellow example for how we can achieve if/else code using choose / when / otherwise in JSTL
<%-- A simple if/else condition --%>
    <c:when test='${param.p == "someValue"}'>
        Generate this template text if p equals someValue
        Otherwise generate this template text


If you want to use nested if / elseif / else ... condition then check the following sample code

    <c:when test='${param.p == "0"}'>
        Generate this template text if p equals 0
    <c:when test='${param.p == "1"}'>
        Generate this template text if p equals 1

       Generate this template text if p equals anything else

The <c:out> can also be used to conditionally generate template text. If the value attribute is null, a default value (if specified) is generated. The default value can be specified using the default attribute or can be specified in the body content. This example demonstrates both methods:
<%-- Default value in an attribute --%>
<%-- Default value in the body content --%>
<c:out value='${param.p}'>
    Generate this if p is null

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